Mar 12, 2019
TALES OF THE LONG TOOTH, Vol. 5: The Wardrobe / Fang Pic of the Month
What does a vampire love more than blood? Clothes & Sticker! Join Krys Kaos as she puts away a bit of both.

Feb 19, 2019
TALES OF THE LONG TOOTH, vol. 3: Mount the Sign
Vampire Krys Kaos explores the history of the Kaos Kustom Fangs' logo during the creation of their sign, so they can hang it on their new...

Feb 12, 2019
Tales of the Long Tooth, vol 2: Valentine Fang Pic of the Month
Krys Kaos revels our Valentine Fang Pic of the Month with Desiree Hardin.
Nov 9, 2013
Savini Chimes In!
While vending at Days of the Dead Atlanta, make up & speical effects master, Tom Savini, visited the booth, peered into Hollie Vaughn's...
May 1, 2013
Ya Gotta Fang dem Teef!
Every body is different. So is every mouth. Not all teeth are going to be straight and narrow with enough room between them to form a...